In my college poetry class we had to analyze a lot of poems, no duh right, and a lot of them were unbearably stupid, probably no duh again. For the most part it wasn't too horrible, I got to write a lot of papers over stuff I pretended to know. Pretty much I bullshitted my way through the entire semester and ended the class with an A-. Not bad considering I was shit at the actual tests and my papers and short essays for the tests were what got me that grade. One of the poems we read during that class caught my attention, it isn't that amazing to me, but, still I fancy it a bit. It's by Sir Philip Sidney written sometimes in the 1580's, who is considered a great, and the theme may be over done by now but my god does it speak volumes about the selfish nature of love an humans
Astrophil and Stella by Sir Philip Sidney
When I was forced from Stella, ever dear,
Stella, food of my thoughts, heart of my heart,
Stella, whose eyes makes all my tempest clear,
By iron laws of duty to depart,
Alas, I found that she with me did smart;
I saw that tears did in her eyes appear;
I saw that sighs her sweetest lips did part,
And her sad words my sadded sense did hear.
For me, I wept to see pearls scattered so,
I sighed her sighs, and wailèd for her woe,
Yet swam in joy, such love in her was seen/
Thus while th'effect most bitter was to me,
And nothing than the cause more sweet could be,
I had been vexed, if vexed I had not been.
Weird, but nice. I'm not going to analyze this. I hate having teachers over analyze anything and I hate doing it at all, so make of it whatever you want.
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